Where my Journey Began
Have you ever walked into a room and left feeling completely transformed?
One morning in Spain around 30 years ago I was encouraged to try a Yoga class by a fellow dancer friend. He had insisted a couple of times and naturally I became curious.
What could be so intriguing about this activity?
As the sessions were held in the very same center in Barcelona where I was taking my daily ballet classes and rehearsals it was an easy step to take, and I never turned back.
I made the decision to attend a class, and after one hour and a half that very day my world had changed forever.
The slim teacher looked ethereal, with long dark hair neatly pinned into a bun looking almost like a dancer herself, and her voice was soft and soothing. Taking my place in the back row we followed a series of postures that were surprisingly simple to perform thanks to years of dance training.
This was Hatha Yoga, which required holding a series of postures whilst focusing on the breath. I became intensely aware of how my body was bending, stretching and unfolding within each movement, and particularly how each posture became more attainable as one learnt to breathe through it. After each pose or Asana a pleasant relief engulfed me as we released it to observe the sensations.
The teacher led us through a journey which became complete thanks to relaxation and meditation. Her angelic voice accompanied by beautiful music guided us into a deep relaxed state within which I had never experienced before. The sensation of floating in an expanded state of awareness became apparent, and this was seemingly bliss.
Afterwards we sat crossed legged with a straight spine for meditaton. The relaxed state remained with me as we focused silently on a sacred sound or mantra: "So Ham"... As I followed her words of guidance, observing inwardly through my third eye point; colours and abstract images floated beyond my thoughts, strangely similar to some of my artwork, leading me to glimpses of what appeared to be another dimension.
Was this beauty inside me?
The class ended and I decided to go for a coffee at the cafeteria.
As I sipped the milky frothy "cafe con leche" the taste somehow seemed different. I could feel the liquid enter my lips travelling to my stomach, warm and delicious. Lights, colours and sounds appeared enhanced and soon I noticed a warmth along the length of my spine.
I felt peacefully happy for no particular reason.
It became obvious that my first yoga encounter had marked a sudden change within in me; but little did I know this was just a small prelude of a wonderous journey yet to unfold...
And thus the story begins!
With Love to you,
Julia - Antar SiriSat
Clothing Credits:
Coloured Beach Scarf, Bikini & T Shirt - Desigual www.desigual.com
White Cotton Yoga Pants & Lace Skirt - Privalia www.privalia.com